I thought I’d chuck windows on my gaming laptop an Acer nitro 5 from last year, to see how it’s going do some bits I can’t on Linux VR, certain multiplayer games etc.

What a disaster! I’ve spent the whole day brute forcing drivers and generally dicking about trying to get my setup sorted.

Upon installation, Wi-Fi drivers don’t exist, so you cannot use the internet while installing if you’re on Wi-Fi. Mint’s had this since what 2006? But that’s cool, Cortana is here to chat away and not understand any requests. Once finally in the OS after 20 questions that could be considered harassment if it was a person, nothing was ready to go. Every single driver needed sourcing and installing.

People have the cheek to complain about Linux’s Nvidia install, literally two clicks on most distros if it isn’t already baked in. Go to website find driver, download click click click agree click wait more software click click wait.

Plug in my sound card OK it’s a bit old now UA-25 but nothing happens…hmm find obscure video partially install a driver from Vista then cancel the installation program so you can side load a driver from 8,1 but wait there’s more disable core isolation to allow the driver to work reboot into a now slightly more compromised OS.

OK plug in wheel again not new stuff G25 oh it works cool. Oh, no H-shifter OK download driver. “Can’t find device, ensure it’s plugged in”. Windows decided it knew better, downloaded its own driver that blocks the official one and loads a steering wheel as a gamepad…GG cool cool.

I do not understand why we still have this image that Windows is noob friendly, it’s such a convoluted obfuscated process to do anything. It does worse than nothing, it thinks it’s smart enough to carry out tasks on the user behalf and just bork it.

All of these issues are because I don’t have the new shiny things, but it really highlighted why I love Linux now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to install a distro and play on my 20-year-old peripherals

  • stoy@lemmy.zip
    7 months ago

    Wi-Fi drivers don’t exist

    They absolutely exist, but perhaps isn’t part of the installer.

    Every single driver needed sourcing and installing.

    Windows Update solves 95% of that automatically these days, as long as you have internet it will sort it out for you.

    Plug in my sound card OK it’s a bit old now UA-25 but nothing happens.

    This an external USB sound card from 2004, Roland has drivers for it working on Windows 98/ME/XP/2000/Vista/7/8/8.1 it is a 20 year old card, it awesome that it works on Linux, but you can’t blame Roland or Microsoft for not supporting a 20 year old device on the latest versions of the OS.

    OK plug in wheel again not new stuff G25 oh it works cool. Oh, no H-shifter OK download driver. “Can’t find device, ensure it’s plugged in”. Windows decided it knew better, downloaded its own driver that blocks the official one and loads the steering wheel as a gamepad…GG cool cool.

    You are whining about a modern OS not being compatible with a 18 year old steering wheel? You can’t expect indefinite hardware support for every random little device you happen to find, this like the sound card above is on you, not Microsoft.

    I do not understand why we still have this image that Windows is noob friendly.

    None of the above quoted examples are noob issues, this is like you are talking to a person in old english from the mideval times and being mad that a random guy in the middle of Londing in 2024 can’t understand you.

    A noob would realize that their devices were too old and buy new devices.

    Windows is noob friendly in that most software have a Windows version, most people use it, it is a known variable.

    Like it or not, Windows is the defacto standard, and that means that is it safe in the perspective of a noob user.

    I am saying all of this as an IT guy who has worked professionally with both Linux and Windows, I ran Linux as my main OS for a year or two, I LIKE Linux, but this is not fair critisism of Windows.

    • beatle@aussie.zone
      7 months ago

      It’s concerning that you think “just buy new stuff” is reasonable and that Windows should only work on new hardware out of the box.

      • stoy@lemmy.zip
        7 months ago

        This is the reality of the computer industry, you don’t have to like it, but you have to expect it and work within the reality of the industry.

        If OP had complained about how their 10 or 5 year old devices didn’t work, then they might have had a point, but 20 years old? That is unresonable.

      • youmaynotknow@lemmy.ml
        7 months ago

        You forget that he’s an “IT guy that has worked with Linux and Windows professionally”. Trust him, bro!

        • stoy@lemmy.zip
          7 months ago

          I am NOT going to post my business card or link my LinkedIn to win an internet argument, I have shown that OPs complaints are unresonable expectations, that was my goal.

          • youmaynotknow@lemmy.ml
            7 months ago

            You’re sure allowed to think you did, and sure as hell I don’t care about your alleged IT professional background. Just like you say that Windows is noob friendly, I say Windows is NOT friendly, period. The OP makes a great case on yet another reason why Windows is complete and utter crap, and I’m an IT guy that has worked with Linux and Windows professionally. I HATE Windows. I’m not sending my business card either, and I know better than to have a LinkedIn profile. That’s hould be enough to tell us apart.

            • pbjamm@beehaw.org
              7 months ago

              I have been in IT since the mid 90s and in my experience every OS can be a PITA to install. Both Windows and Linux will install smoothly if the drivers for your network, raid controller and mobo components are all supported. If not it is going to suck regardless of OS.

              Windows reputation for noob friendliness, and linux’s unfriendliness, is mostly down to familiarity and that most users will never have to install their own OS and deal with problems mentioned in the post. Most will never even think about it because they dont even know what an OS is or that it can be replaced. If Windows gets fucked up they take it to a pro to fix or buy a replacement.

              • youmaynotknow@lemmy.ml
                7 months ago

                You have, so far, made the most logical address on this subject, out of any of the others, including myself. I am very biased against Windows, for reasons that may be irrelevant, and I’m also very vocal about it, so if I offended anyone, know that is not my intention, although I regularly come across as if it is. Having said that, I’m removing myself from this thread moving forward, just because I dont want to be part of any discord with myself or anyone else. Everyone should use what works best for them, which is why I’ll try to stay away from further “what is is best?” and similar discussions in the future, and will just keep to discussions that bring something positive or beneficial to the table. God bless you all guys, Jesus lives all of us, without exception. Enjoy.

    • tritonium@midwest.social
      7 months ago

      Windows is still fucking ass though and it’s so bad that I can not respect the opinion of someone that claims they are an IT professional and don’t main Linux. Like what? And what does that even mean, that’s ridiculously broad, what do you do? I’m a network engineer and sysadmin.

      Linux is objectively superior to Windows in almost every way. It has vastly superior workflows. It’s more customizable. It’s insanely more efficient. It’s more secure. I feel like I’m wading through 3ft of shit anytime I boot into Windows. Not to mention the ability to actually have ownership of your computer. And that’s just talking about the ways Linux is better. That’s not getting into why Windows is ass like… telemetry data and ads in the OS and configs reverting from updates and the dumbass way software is installed on it and how shit docker runs in it and I can go on and on. The workflows of Windows are actual dog ass and literally every single popular Linux DE has better workflows and customization.

      If you in IT and use Windows for anything other than a gaming machine or something like Photoshop, then I don’t want you anywhere near my tech.

    • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]@hexbear.net
      6 months ago

      you can’t blame Roland or Microsoft for not supporting a 20 year old device on the latest versions of the OS.

      Why not?

      You can’t expect indefinite hardware support for every random little device you happen to find, this like the sound card above is on you, not Microsoft.

      Why not? Linux development is mostly volunteer, and these things are easily compatible with Linux. It seems like you can absolutely expect support for every device, it’s just that Microsoft isn’t willing to provide it.

      None of the above quoted examples are noob issues, this is like you are talking to a person in old english from the mideval times and being mad that a random guy in the middle of Londing in 2024 can’t understand you.

      Notice that you had to exaggerate a 20 year timespan into a 500 year timespan to make this analogy work?

      • stoy@lemmy.zip
        6 months ago

        Why not?

        Because it is a paid OS and it’s developers are writing code for financial gain, if they are not being paid to write the code, it doesn’t get written.

        Voulenteers write the code because they want or need to, if there are no drivers for a device in on Linux, you need to write it yourself.

        Notice that you had to exaggarate a 20 year timespan into a 500 year timespan to make thisnanalogy work?

        Yes, that was deliberate. Have you ever noticed how much faster technology develops compared to languages? That is why the analogy works.

        • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]@hexbear.net
          6 months ago

          The analogy doesn’t even work if we ignore the massive difference in time scale. Languages develop organically, they are not managed. Comparing a managed and developed system and a twenty year timespan to an organic language system over a five hundred year timespan is just ridiculous.

          Because it is a paid OS and it’s developers are writing code for financial gain, if they are not being paid to write the code, it doesn’t get written.

          They are being paid to write the code. Microsoft is just choosing which code they should write, and it doesn’t include any old devices because they want you to buy new devices.

          It’s perfectly reasonable to expect compatibility, and lay blame when there isn’t any. Microsoft simply doesn’t provide it.

          • stoy@lemmy.zip
            6 months ago

            I disagree with you, but don’t have the energy to keep arguing, this argument has been going on for days, and I made my point back on day one.

        • sawne128 [he/him]@hexbear.net
          6 months ago

          Because it is a paid OS and it’s developers are writing code for financial gain,

          No shit. But that only explains why Windows is bad. It doesn’t mean that Windows isn’t bad. We shouldn’t give Windows pity points just because poor Billy Gates is addicted to money.

    • sawne128 [he/him]@hexbear.net
      7 months ago

      Ridicolous. You act like this is the first person to realise Windows is jank. How many USB steering wheels have you bought during your lifetime?

      • stoy@lemmy.zip
        7 months ago

        None, I was gifted a Sidewinder Forcefeedback steering wheel by my dad when I was 8-9 something, but it used the old gameport.

        I don’t see how this is relevant though…

    • caustictrap@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Happy to see lemmy linux community not blindly hating windows and providing facts. Also you can use a package manager like choco to install apps from terminal so you dont have deal with clicking next.

      • stoy@lemmy.zip
        7 months ago

        Treating Windows unfairly in these kinds of comparisons is a disservice to Linux as it implies that Linux can’t win in a fair comparison.

        Windows/Linux/MacOS are all best at different things and for different persons, let the best OS for the task and person win on a fair test

        • Dumpdog@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          Treating Windows unfairly? Blindly hating Windows? Microsoft is a corporation designed to MAKE DOLLAZ SON. They aren’t your unfairly treated friend who wants to make sure you have an amazing gaming experience. They are part of a corporate duopoly. Meaning…dun dun dun - One of two shite options. I don’t include Linux in this because it is the exact opposite of this market dominance. It is a free market of choice - which you can choose to better by contributing code, monetarily, or promotional support.

          Windows is actively user hostile, actively contributing to planned obsolecence, and overall an ad infested spyware pile of bloated inefficient garbage.

          As an IT Professional you should have first hand experience of the waste that comes from technological churn.

          Linux standing alone on it own merits… Yeah right. Linux standing up against hundreds of millions of dollars spent in PR, Advertising, and the business practice of embrace, extend, and extinguish. You want better shit? Be a part of a community instead of brainlessly buying a solution.

          OP - I salute you and your 20 year old peripherals. At least you are creatively making something you have work rather than buying shit that causes more problems.

          I will happily shill for the Linux project and any other open source project - for volunteers trying to make something they want to use.