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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 27th, 2024


  • If the answer is yes, then it negates “all-powerful” because it cannot withstand it’s own power. Similarly, if “no”, then it is not strong enough to destroy itself and, thereby, not all-poweful.

    So, it’s a paradox because “all-powerful” is typically used as “unkillable”, but also carries a connotation of “can-destroy-anything”. So, can something that is capable of destroying anything and cannot die kill itself?

    Greek mythology had the dad-god “defeated” by being cut into literal pieces and scattered, but he wasn’t really dead. And Zeus’ siblings were eaten by his dad so they wouldn’t usurp him, but they didn’t die and he later puked them up.

    But none of these were touted as all-powerful, biggest than bigger bigly, cannot be killed but can kill everything else.

    A similar question on this line is can an all-powerful god make a rock too big for even said god to lift?