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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024


  • Ooh damn. Mandrake was my first distro, I remember being sooo excited when the CDs came in the mail. It was I think 4 discs?

    The experience was absolutely not good lol. At the time I only had one computer (some eMachines something or other) and a 56k line that only went to 14400 or 2600 baud depending on the weather. My NIC wasn’t supported and after some banging my head on the desk I ended up going back to windows 98se after a few days because it was the family computer I messed up and caught sooo much flak for wiping.

    Returned some years later when it was called Mandriva and had a better experience with a custom built AMD machine. The eMachines machine by then was still around as a network file server running a flavour of BSD that served media to my OG xbox played through XBMC (now Kodi).

    Great post OP and thanks for the trip down memory lane!

  • To answer the direct question, BTRFS works fine for gaming. Garuda uses BTRFS by default and I’ve been daily driving it for a few years now. My gaming machine hasn’t had an unrecoverable failure that wasn’t my fault (not checking consple output for errors when updating and then rebooting). Games on an ext4 file system work fine - that’s what I do for games I don’t play often. The main NVME is for games that are played regularly and everything else goes to the storage SSDs.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, it seems like you want an immutable distro more than BTRFS for what you want to do.

  • I have the same issue and eventually gave up and got whats called a “verfrisser” in Dutch. I suppose it translates to “refresher”? Its a little thing that hangs on the rack that keeps it smelling fresh. One is good for 60 washes, or 2 months. The one I have is made by “finish” and was €2 for 2.

    My apartment also has extremely hard water so I also run it empty at max temperature with a descaling powder once a month. I find the smell is greatly reduced for a few days after descaling. That may be why youre smelling it less when using the vinegar rinse.