" When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would shortly be celebrating his eleventy-first birthday with a party of special magnificence, there was much talk and excitement in Hobbiton. "
I have reread several books but most of them have several years or decades in between.
Especially Terry Pratchetts’ books are better after and worthy of a second read.
A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson and Sailing Alone Around the World by Joshua Slocum
Read X times Title
2 Everybody Lies
3 Storyworthy
3 The Design of Everyday Things
3 Think Again
2 Beyond Command and Control
3 Good Strategy/Bad Strategy
2 First Break All the Rules
3 Never Split the Difference
2 Antifragile
2 Fooled by Randomness
2 Skin in the Game
2 Black Swan
2 Talking To Strangers
3 Call Center Management on Fast Forward
4 The Effective Manager
2 Atomic Habits
2 Never Eat Alone
2 An Economist Walks Into a Brothel
2 The Tipping Point
3 Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes
7 Powerful
3 Effective Hiring Manager
7 The Total Money Makeover
2 Dare to Lead
4 Great at Work
7 The 4 Disciplines of Execution
5 Unlearn
2 The Hard Thing About Hard Things
2 The Best Service is No Service
9 The Effective Executive
5 Financial Intelligence
2 Understanding Complexity
2 How to be an Antiracist
2 Deep Work
2 Happier Now
2 The Fearless Organization
3 Algorithms to Live By
3 Four Thousand Weeks, Time Management for Mortals
3 Thinking in Systems
2 Multipliers
2 The Scout Mindset
2 High Conflict
2 The Prince
2 Not Nice
2 The Value of Everything
2 Born a Crime
2 Freakonimics
2 Human Sigma
2 Getting Things Done
3 Rework
2 Linchpin
2 White Fragility
2 Complexity
2 Parenting with Love and Logic
2 The Five Temptations of a CEO
2 21 Laws of Leadership
2 Failing Forward
2 Our Iceberg is Melting
2 TNIV Bible
2 Graveyard Shift and Other Stories
2 The Dictators Handbook
2 The First 90 Days
2 Where the red fern grows.
Well that formatted like shit… But the number before the title is how many times I’ve read it.
Next time use two line breaks after each line and it will work.
Ah, thank you
No worries, it’s quite an odd behaviour. It was the same back on Reddit. No idea if there is a good reason for it or if they copied it to be the same as with Reddit.
I should have remembered that, I’m old lol
Asimov’s Foundation series (two times polish translation and once original) and The Hitchikerms Guide to Galaxy by Adams Douglas (once in polish, twice original)
It’s even more fun if you read the entire Asimov book catalog that’s set in the same universe as Foundation using the in-universe chronological order… unless you meant that’s what you did. That’s broadly “I, Robot”, the Robots series, the Empire Series, and the Foundation series. I’m sure some people don’t like his later books that tie it all together, but most of them are probably elderly and read the original series before the newer ones were published or something.
Just reread hitchhikers myself, and I’m rereading the Robots series. I love the mix of sci-fi and noir that the Robots books have
I remember the VCR instruction manual.
Otherwise Terry Pratchett’s discworld novels and the Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy (the 3 first ofc).
When Sysadmins Ruled The Earth by Cory Doctorow
The Forever War - Joe Haldeman A fantastic novel on the pointlessness of war, told through the lens of space opera / sci-fi
Brandon Sanderson’s entire cosmere.
The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man’s Fear
Robin Hobb’s Farseer, Fitz and the Fool, Liveship Trader, and Tawny Man trilogies. All interconnected.
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Dirk Gently
Harry Potter
I reread most of my books but “player of games” by Iain M. Banks I read so many times I broke it and had to buy a new copy. Weirdly, I don’t think it is the best of his books, it is just a fun read.
Lord of the rings.
Hunt for Red October and Without Remorse by Tom Clancy
Currently re-listening to Debit of Honour
I’ve definitely gone through the Harry Potter series a couple of times at different phases of my life. Definitely had a different experience with every reading. Not always positive, but at this point it’s part of the tapestry of my childhood.
at this point it’s part of the tapestry of my childhood.
Mine too. I haven’t read them in a long time because of obvious reasons, but a part of me still wants to. I was truly obsessed with them for several years as a kid.
Don’t let her shitty politics get in the way of doing something you enjoy. Death of the author and all that. If you’re worried about fiscally supporting her, I’m certain you can find the whole series at reasonable prices in any secondhand bookstore.
The Little Prince, because nothing cuts so quick as real life disguised as a silly bed-time story.
When I was 7, I got brought to the school library and told to pick a book to read over the summer. I picked The Hobbit. I got told no. I Insisted. Read that, then moved on lotr. I then read those I don’t know how many more times over the years. As far as I remember, those are the only books I ever bothered to read more than once. Not counting listening to the audio books at work, as well.
Metro 2033
The Kingkiller Chronicle
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (all five)