I do a lot of photography and I share it on my deviant art page.

It’s SFW, don’t worry.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Lychee Slicer (slicer used for resin printing) is usually pretty good but sometimes it’ll still fail

    Which basically means I’d have 2 choices, go in there manually with Blender or fire up Windows 3D Builder and let it work it’s magic

    I haven’t fully given up on trying to find a way to get it to work on Linux but I’ve had to take a break from trying purely due to frustration

  • Honestly I think I’m just going to have to go through and rename the folders as faffing about with locales isn’t my idea of fun lol

    I was going to install Dolphin file manager (which has a sort option that does it the way Windows does) until I saw a known bug of “sometimes crashes without error and just loses the files you were moving” which is an absolute deal breaker for me. I do photography as one of my hobbies and I’d lose my shit if I lost the pictures I took in the process of making backups.

  • I hear Bazzite is good for gaming but I haven’t personally used it.

    I use Linux Mint on my machines (except my NAS which has TrueNAS going on it) and I’ve got no complaints so far other than my vertical monitor being a little tough to have a vertical login screen (though that’s so niche it’s barely even worth bringing up) and I’m not even sure that’s an issue on other distros (I don’t distro hop)

    My experience with Manjaro is from a decade ago (oh God I’m old) so it really doesn’t apply to anything modern but I have heard it recommended at least a few times and a friend of mine swears by it for everything (he always reminds me it’s based on Arch BTW)

    My other friend who uses Linux swears by Pop!_OS and he loves it. I personally don’t really dig the default look of it.

    All three of us primarily play indie titles if that makes any difference for you.

    Personally I’m moving away from Windows this year (ideally before the end of June) so I’m curious what distros others here recommend as well