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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2023


  • I mean… you can already kinda do that right? Raise your children to have similar values to you and they’ll vote like you when they grow up. That happens constantly. There’s just an 18 year latency to it. Obviously you lose the vote once they grow up to vote by themselves. I feel like you’re making a bit of a strawman out of what I’m saying here. We clearly just disagree and that’s okay.

  • The idea is that the parent represents the child. We don’t trust children to make an informed vote, but we trust parents to make all kinds of choices for their children, including extremely personal choices. The current alternative is to not give children a vote at all. I think letting parents choose the vote for their child is better, and fits pretty well with all the rest that parents currently choose for their child. I also think it’s better than simply letting children of all ages vote, since again, they probably won’t be able to make an informed vote.

  • In that regard, they already have representation by their parents’ votes.

    But that vote only counts as much as one person, so it doesn’t give any more representation to the child if you ask me. My whole point is that a parent should have outsized voting power because they represent two persons, not one (okay actually each parent would get 1.5 votes as the child’s vote would be split on each parent but my point is the same).

  • The Talos Principle. It’s my all time favourite game. It has a sequel too that expands on the story.

    It’s a puzzle game with a story that you discover while solving the puzzles. It’s kinda similar to Portal in that sense but instead of a focus on comedy, there’s a focus on philosophy. If you don’t mind reading some philosophical texts and being asked questions that will literally make you question your own value system, then definitely give it a shot.

  • Most anything that is US-centric, like US-only news or US-only politics. Mainly 2 reasons:

    1. These threads are usually filled with heated, badly-moderated, frustrating discussions that lead nowhere.
    2. I am not american, so I cannot even vote or affect things over there in any way, which just makes hearing about the chaotic state of things even more frustrating.

    Thus I simply elect not to see those posts at all.

    I also block most meme communities, since they otherwise fill the All feed. I can easily just go on incognito/log out to view the all feed with memes if I want a laugh (it’s not that I dislike memes in general).

  • For instance, it imply that some poor women are gonna take it regardless the consequence, just because it’s the best alternative to pay the bills.

    How is this principally different from a poor person taking any shitty job to pay the bills? Like garbage collector or similarly unpleasant/disrespected jobs. The system always forces poor people to settle for shitty jobs. Sex work is not the issue there, the system is.

  • Its been a focus of mine to try to make lemmy’s comment sorting the opposite of the reddit experience, where the highest rated comment is nearly always just the first one, making all engagement after those first few minutes pointless.

    I think your strategy for going the opposite than reddit works quite well when it comes to comments. However, I don’t think it fits so well with posts (not sure if the strategy/sorting for posts and comments use the same methods). Personally I don’t feel great seeing posts older than 24 hours, especially as I have probably already seen that post. It’ll just stick around for way too long.