red nose energy

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • (FYI, I hold different views than this instance)

    TL;DR: for me it’s current russian warsongs and covers of 80-90s classics that put the opposite meaning into them. Polina Gagarina, Shaman are the most known artists due to being banned from YT, but there are dozens of them. What and why - I’d try to explain in following paragraphs.

    They don’t feel either inspired or honest, most of the worthy artists don’t want that mark in their resume so it’s left either for newbie artists or oldies who fear they are losing relevance. The western-in-everything ‘Я русский’ is the only catchy tune local media empires could produce, others are even more cringe like ‘333’, they don’t even compare to what repressed guys did and do.

    Surprisingly, the same notion is shared with my relatives who do support the war (unlike me) or at least our men there. We still have a tradition of singing along the songs of old over the table when we meet with our elders, or over the fire if camping or meeting in the countryside, mostly soviet songs with inclusion of 90-00s. And itso happens there’s none of the promoted ones in the menu.

    But that also tracks with the concerts on the TV we sometimes put on. It’s all older stuff by mostly aging artists. The contemporary russian music culture, as I suppose, was castrated by some sort of negative selection and I can’t think otherwise.

    And what is really embarassing for me personally to hear is appropriation of songs that are either anti-war or asking for changes (namely KINO’s ones) sang in this day and this year by those who support both the regime and the war on state TV. That’s like this one republican guy just one hair width from discovering what RatM’s songs are about. There’s some second-hand shame you want to wash off in a bathroom right after hearing.

  • It helps that the new head of design for both of these products is a guy who really knows his shit. He’s already taken MuseScore from an application that nobody in their right mind would use if they could afford the commercial competitors, to a legitimately great music engraving application, and he’s been on Audacity too since 2021.

    I tried Audacity before that and couldn’t migrate from adobe’s aquired CoolEditPro (Au versions before modern redesign). Have it changed much since then? I’m yet to find an alternative (video editing tools just doesn’t make it, although they get recommended) and as I can recall Audacity had an interface that’s not as easy to use.

  • 1923?

    Lenin’s body lays in the mausoleum on the Red Square for the last 99 years. Impersonators of him and Stalin walk around in their daily routine, asking money for photoes with them. In a shop not far from them, you can purchaze chinese merchandize with a soviet, russian flags, as well as with a monarchist-sympatising one, even though Romanovs are as dead as they were back then. Some items cost over a thousand of rubles, a sum that was enough to buy a factory - and that’s after two recent denomonations. Pretty good that these crowds of international tourists don’t count their money being there, these prices can easily drive someone insane.