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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • fishos@lemmy.worldtoLinux Gaming@lemmy.mlJust Switch Over
    2 months ago

    You can literally say the exact same thing with Windows. That’s how you Linux peeps feel, constantly yelling “why are you using windows! Stop having fun!”

    Is windows perfect? Nah. But does it work most the time? Yeah. All the bitching about windows being shit and yet my 300+ installed games all work… Crazy…

    How about just let people use what they like and shut up with the damn “my OS is better than yours” nonsense?

    It’s posts like this, that even though I’ve used Linux in the past, make me immediately think “nah, fuck that, I’ll stick to windows. I don’t want to deal with those people.”

    You’re more of a harm than help.

  • While I agree with what you’ve said, I’ve always felt fusion and other such tech is the future of long distance space travel, not Earth based energy use. Wind and hydro are useless in space and solar has issues with power accumulation the further away from a star you go. We will still need some kind of “fuel” based energy source if we’re ever to enter deep space and cross the gaps(unless battery tech increases much further to the point that a “battery” lasts a significant portion of the vehicles lifetime). Even then, you’d need recharge stations at each end or to park by a star to refuel in between.

    We have fusion/fission now. That kind of battery tech is still a ways off. Feels shortsighted to ignore nuclear now just because it’s not perfect in this specific environment. After all, name any vehicle not powered by nuclear that can run for 20-30 years before it needs to refuel/recharge. No battery tech can even come close currently.

  • fishos@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhat generation are you?
    3 months ago

    And look at all the other dates others are giving me. They’re not the same as yours. THATS my point. No one actually agrees on the dates and at this point, it’s expanded to include other generations.

    Yet I have 10 different people spouting different dates and all telling me I’m wrong. None of you see that you’re the exact point I was making. Everyone tries to shove in some extra years before or after.

  • fishos@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhat generation are you?
    3 months ago

    Thank you, someone who gets it. The definition has expanded so much it’s essentially meaningless now.

    When I grew up and the term was first coined, it refered to the generation coming after mine. It was literally “what will we call this next generation? Well, they’re growing up during the turn of the millennium…”. Then suddenly years later it included my generation. Then suddenly it includes the generation before me? When really it’s just a lazy replacement for “kids these days”.

  • fishos@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhat generation are you?
    3 months ago

    Because every other “generation” is about 10 years and yet somehow “Millennials” are an almost 25 year gap. Notice how it’s “Older Millennial, younger millennial, etc”. You don’t use those qualifiers with the other generations because they are appropriately sized.

    Millennials should be 2-3 named generations. It currently refers to 80’s kids, 90s kids, any kids alive when 2000 happened, and early Aughts kids(probably because the last name sucked and no one wanted to use it). Too many generations wanted the claim of “I was the first generation of the new millennium” and everyone co-opted the term even when it didn’t traditionally apply(newborns because they were closest to the date as opposed to when their major development occured is part of that stretch)

  • fishos@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlHome automation - why?
    8 months ago

    Nothing more than a LG washer and Dryer and their app. It tells you a lot more, including exact times things will finish, in the app.

    Also, unrelated, but are you aware your account is listed as a bot account? Or at least it appears that way to me. You have the little bit emoji by your name. It’s in your account settings if you’re unaware.

  • fishos@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlHome automation - why?
    8 months ago

    I have ADHD. It’s easy for me to forget something in my routine. So I’ve set up many of my routines to be automatic or controlled with a single voice command.

    When I wake up to my alarms, my lights start turning on gradually at a dimmer setting and blue. Then they turn white at full brightness to really wake me when it’s time. When I leave for work, I simply say “I’m leaving” and my lights all set themselves appropriately. I even have certain things like space heaters on a smart switch and they automatically turn off when I’m not home in case I forgot to manually shut them off.

    Then when I get home, instead of needing to hit a bunch of switches for all of my various lights, I simply say “I’m home” and in 15 seconds everything does for me what would have taken me 5 minutes manually. By the time I have my shoes off, my house is already ready for me.

    When I go to bed, it’s the same. A simple “goodnight” turns my TV off, turns my fan up, and turns the lights off, all with me not having to get out of bed.

    When I do laundry, my phone gets a notification when things are done. I’m able to plan my cycles more efficiently and do things like run an errand and be able to be back just in time to swap loads. When there’s an error, instead of “E43” or some nonsense on the screen that I need to lookup and is still vague, I get a notification in the app that says “Error: Washer unbalanced. Please check load and restart” and actually helps me.

    If a fire alarm goes off in my house and I’m not home, my security cameras will pick up the noise of the alarm and send an urgent push notification to my phone. I can check in and see if someone just burnt food or if there is an actual emergency.

    I could go on. I’ll admit that being tied to google/Amazon isn’t ideal and you should use something like HomeAssistant instead so you have complete control. It’s just a steeper learning curve, is all. But regardless, you want a home from The Jetsons? It’s already here. Not perfect mind you, but in large parts it’s already obtainable and really not that expensive. Just swap a bulb/switch here and there.