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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • I will happily mind your disclaimer but there’s a critical event that really makes this character truly bizarre. He wears the ring and doesn’t give a damn - all of Gandalf, Giladriel, and Sauron himself are affected by the rings. Gandalf and Sauron are possibly on the same “power tier” as Maia (Galadriel is lesser but still psychicly impressive). It’s arguable that Gandalf is a false Maiar and actually an avatar of Manwë but Tom’s nonchalance with the ring likely puts him above the Maia - Tom could be a Vala but it’s really unclear who he’d be (possibly Lórien but its unlikely) due to his relation to Goldberry and disposition … They’re all well known and it’s unlikely they could evade detection in Arda… it’s possible that Tom Bombadill is Illúvatar himself which lets us handwave a lot of issues but that makes Goldberry even more confusing… also everything more powerful than a Maiar is sworn to (or restrained from) interfering in Arda.

    Tolkien was a dedicated world builder and also a myth teller and we might just have to accept the unfulfilling explanation that Tom Bombadill is the mysterious guide that defies explanation and that’s all there is to it - his character is completely isolated from the rest of the mythos and this from a nerd who has a detailed lineage of kings for Gondor including the “not at all relevant to the story” kin strife of Castamir… so I reject any claims that Tolkien just “forgot” about Bombadill - the omission of history was clearly intentional.

    Anyways, I’ve spouted off like a nerd long enough. It’s an excellent topic to delve into and there are some great hints pointing one way or the other.

  • That really depends on what we’re talking about. For most hobbyist sites with community content creation and without DMs blocking isn’t really necessary - you just ban bad users and hand approve new accounts. Moderating the environment so it’s consistent for everyone is usually better than delegating that to individuals since new users would instantly be exposed to the most toxic version of your place.

    I also tend to prefer opt in following (like Twitter but without any trending bullshit - just opt in to seeing interesting things without ever needing to block) vs. the more common “hit them with a firehose of content and let them block what they don’t like” approach preferred by people who measure success by “engagement and ad revenue”.

    Oh, if your site supports non-public communication (i.e. DMs) you must support blocking because (and I understand you might not realize this if you’re a dude) if you admit to having boobs on the internet you will receive unsolicited dick pics - it sucks but in large sites it’s fucking inevitable… even if the admins try to stay on top of it one bad actor will DM like 500 people and it’s deeply fucking abusive.

  • Finally all you fucks will work on my schedule! Night owls unite!

    I think the key is just avoiding the heat of the day. A lot of Mediterranean societies already have slow hours during the hottest times (the clearest example being the Spanish Siesta) and it makes a lot of fucking sense.

    I doubt we’d move fully nocturnal but normalizing long midday breaks would be excellent - the main impediment is probably our shitty commute oriented society… if it takes you 15 minutes to get home it’s quite reasonable to head home at lunch - if it takes you an hour and a half it’s impossible.

  • Both Trump/Vance are our best chance at getting Harris/Walz elected.

    I also want to absolutely clarify that I’m not in favor of assassination but… this is a terrible argument. I’d much rather it was Harris/Walz vs. like… Romney/McCain or some other more boring corporate focused GOP folks. Trump is uniquely able to destroy our cultural norms and usher in really fucking heinous policies in a way we haven’t seen before so it’d be excellent if he wasn’t even on the ticket.