linux no-systemd minimalism

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023


  • 2 Do you honestly think one can just make a fake account up, register, and publish an AUR pkg with rogue code that easy? There are checks for code whether it is safe or not, whether it is asking for right elevation, altering the filesystem’s rights, etc.
    You are making it sound like registering for X and publishing a tweet.

    3 The most dangerous software I see on AUR is browser bins by the BIG NAMES not the little script stuff.
    People are afraid of people instead of large corps

  • What would js be able to do out of firejail or other such forms of containment?

    I only allow js for very specific sites, and most that you can’t do without I just do without. I am not that worried about security though, it is just an exercise.

    I use seatd with wayland but it can be compiled without it too. My main issue is as I said, I can’t just run “sudo -u user2 leafpad” for example, you say it is a security measure, I say it is an inconvenience.


  • Are you comparing 40years of graphical environment stability and global use with something that has been broken for more than a decade and now all of a sudden is portrayed as secure?

    I want to start applications as another user in my own environment and my own system and wayland prevents me, while x11 allows me (together with many forms of sandboxing and containerization).

    I have asked this question to all pretend to be experts of wayland and I have 0 responses.

    @Ullebe1 @LainTrain