I already have a nas running on one. I already have a Kodi/HTPC desktop. Running endeavor w/ KDE.
I was going to put regular arch on it but was wondering if anyone had some other ideas.
Failover for essential services (e.g. DNS) so you can take the primary down without issues.
Post it to me?
3 thou.
I’ve tried it twice but can’t seem to get the feel for it. I thinknit might be overkill for anything I need.
Docker host?
I run docker on my nas. (Openmediavault)
Flip it for cash.
Scratch machine to test Ansible playbooks for maintaining and restoring your other servers.
I just use VM’s for that. I recently learned that Vagrant, an infra as code for virtual machines designed for creating testing VMs, creates an Ansible Inventory that you can run your playbooks at.