- 🇾🇪 Yemen: 0.4%
- 🇸🇱 Sierra Leone: 0.18%
- 🇿🇼 Zimbabwe: 0.16%
- 🇲🇼 Malawi: 0.16%
- 🇰🇵 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea): 0.13%
- 🇳🇬 Nigeria: 0.1%
- 🇬🇭 Ghana: 0.09%
- 🇰🇪 Kenya: 0.08%
- 🇬🇮 Gibraltar: 0.06%
- 🇬🇦 Gabon: 0.06%
- 🇺🇦 Ukraine: 0.05%
- 🇯🇪 Jersey: 0.04%
- 🇿🇲 Zambia: 0.04%
- 🇱🇷 Liberia: 0.04%
- 🇵🇱 Poland: 0.03%
- 🌍 Africa: 0.03%
- 🌍 North America: 0.02%
- 🇨🇮 Cote D’ivoire: 0.02%
- 🇧🇿 Belize: 0.02%
- 🇧🇫 Burkina Faso: 0.02%
- 🇮🇳 India: 0.02%
- 🇩🇪 Germany: 0.02%
- 🇨🇿 Czech Republic: 0.02%
- 🇬🇧 UK: 0.01%
- 🇦🇿 Azerbaijan: 0.01%
- 🌍 Worldwide: 0.01%
- 🌍 Europe: 0.01%
Source: https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/mobile/worldwide
How did they determine these numbers? I have postmarketOS on my OnePlus 6T but I have LibreWolf user agent set to Android Firefox because it makes portrait formatting better on some sites, though I switch it to desktop on sites with bad mobile UIs. Also, even with default user agent how do you distinguish a Linux phone from a Linux desktop or laptop other than just lumping all arm64 devices into “Linux phone” category?