Found out the version of neovim on PopOS was fairly outdated, and I would like to use more recent versions. So I am confronted with these choices : Do I go for PPAs, or is distrobox fine for this purpose? While distrobox works well, I am worried that mismatches in packages could cause issues.
About flatpak: it is a no-go for me in this usecase, since it takes quite a bit of configuration to “escape” the sandbox.
You can use bob (a neovim version manager). It requires rustup though
This is the best option
I’d suggest nix and home-manager. I just added the following to my home.nix, and lazyvim works perfectly fine on nvim 0.9.5 (0.9.4 on the stable branch):
home.packages = with pkgs; ([ ... #neovim #git,make,npm,node,and ripgrep are already installed neovim python311 python311Packages.pip # python311Packages.pynvim luajitPackages.luarocks cargo # lunarvim lazygit tree-sitter nerdfonts .... ]);
If you run in distrobox you should not have issues with dependencies
Why don’t you download the latest release/nightly from github and unpack it somewhere?
I tried that, but
- It requires more configuration, the executable was not able to recognize lua-5.1 out-of-the-box.
- This approach excludes auto-updates.