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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Preservation is noble. Most pirates aren’t doing preservation. You know it, I know it, everyone in this thread knows it. They have a hard drive full of stuff they want to play/watch for free. That’s a far cry from following 3-2-1 protocol, let alone real archive standards. Hence “which they are not doing.”

    Edit: it bears mentioning that I actually don’t begrudge people who pirate necessarily. I just don’t like it when they hide behind real reasons when they aren’t actually doing it for those reasons. It cheapens the endeavor and they’re just straight up lying. If you’re downloading stuff because you want to play for free - which can be because of a lack of access (financial or otherwise) or a myriad of other reasons (perhaps it’s a milestone work but you don’t want to support a piece of shit dev) - then just be honest. But the simple fact is we all know most people pirate because it’s easy and they don’t want to spend money. So let’s stop kidding ourselves when we all know this.